Tips for Interviewing

  • Learn about the organization and position for which you are applying.
  • How will you and your skill set fit into this organization?
  • If possible, learn about the individual(s) who will be interviewing you.
  • Common interviewer’s agenda is to answer these questions: Are you qualified? Can you be trained? Are you a good fit? Will you love this job?
  • Use your resume and transfer the information on your resume into the interview.
Different Types of Interviews
*INL has nearly 4,000 employees and over 15 different organizations, therefore, the interviewing process may vary.
  • Traditional face-to-face interview.
  • Panel/committee interview - three or more interviewers or members of a panel.
  • Group interview – three or more interviewees participate in group interviews.
  • Telephone interview.
  • Video or teleconference interview.
Different Types of Interviews
  • Rehearse commonly asked questions: “Tell us a little bit about yourself?” “What is your five-year plan?” “Why do you want this job?”
  • Know the exact location of your interview or have your computer or phone charged, tested, and ready for virtual or phone interviews.
  • Get plenty of sleep the night before.
  • Limit caffeine before the interview.
The Interview
  • Always be 10 to 15 minutes early
  • Dress appropriately: Business professional and a clean, presentable appearance.
  • Even if you are teleconferencing or performing a phone interview, it is still a good idea to dress professionally so you are in that mindset.
  • Always have insightful questions for the interviewer(s). This shows invested interest in the position.
  • Maintain good posture, strong eye contact, and provide a strong handshake to each member of the interviewing panel at the beginning and conclusion of your interview. Express appreciation for the opportunity to interview, and get contact information if available.

If you need accommodations due to a disability, please email [email protected] for assistance.